Dear John, President Joe Biden is pushing to spend $1.9 trillion on a massive new “stimulus” package that he claims will help America recover from the coronavirus pandemic. We need your help right now to stop this wasteful, expensive, and unnecessary spending package from becoming law. There have already been five COVID-19 recovery bills passed on a bipartisan vote. President Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan, which is supported only by Democrats, would bring total coronavirus pandemic relief spending to an astonishing $5.7 trillion. Tell your members of Congress to oppose President Biden’s new coronavirus package. The push for more “stimulus” is being made even though more than $1 trillion from past relief and stimulus packages remains unspent. For example, the Biden administration wants $350 billion to bail out state and local governments. States have already been given $150 billion in past relief packages, yet only three states have spent more than 50 percent of this money. The Congressional Budget Office just reported that the economy will return to pre-COVID levels by the middle of this year without a new stimulus package. Spending almost $2 trillion is wasteful and completely l unnecessary to get our economy back up to speed. Earlier this week, Congress set the stage to allow Biden’s “stimulus” package to come up for a vote in just a few weeks. John, that is why it is so urgent that you contact your elected officials in the House and Senate and demand that they oppose President Biden’s “stimulus” plan as soon as possible. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Thank you for taking action on this urgent and important issue. Sincerely, Sincerely, Deborah Collier Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs |