Feb 8 (Tarrant):
True Crime Stories
w/ Robert Riggs

February 8, 2021
6:30pm - 8pm
The Chapel Assembly of God Church
4101 Golden Triangle Blvd.
Keller, TX

Besides being an award-winning investigative journalist, our speaker for February is a master storyteller who trains others to captivate audiences.  He will captivate us with his stories and insight!  True Texas Project first heard about him on the Chris Salcedo Radio Show talking about the unintended consequences of bail reform… putting known criminals back on the street to threaten our safety.  When we reached out to him, he was eager to speak with us on “all things crime.”  Prepare to hear stories, learn details, get insider information, and walk away with the truth.  Knowledge is power. Speaking of knowledge being power, we’ll also hear from Texans For Vaccine Choice regarding the Covid vaccine and legislation being considered in Texas as we speak!

True Texas Project

Speaker: Robert Riggs, True Crime Reporter and Jackie Schelgal, Texans for Vaccine Choice
Monday, Feb 8, 2021
The Chapel Assembly of God Church, 4101 Golden Triangle Blvd, Keller
5:30pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45pm – $5 dinner opens (first come, first served)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
Masks optional.  No shaming.
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
Need childcare? Sign up at least 48 hours in advance
by emailing [email protected].


About Robert Riggs


Robert Riggs is a Peabody Award -winning investigative reporter and digital mediaentrepreneur. He has also received three coveted Alfred I. duPont Columbia University Journalism Awards for Investigative Reporting . The Peabody and duPont are respectively considered the broadcast TV equivalent of the Oscar and thePulitzer.

Texas A&M University named Robert an Outstanding Alumnus from the College of Architecture in recognition of his journalistic accomplishments. It is a distinctionreceived by fewer than 1% of the College’s graduates.

Today, Riggs is the host and creator of the True Crime Reporter™ Podcast .

During his journalism career, Riggs established a reputation for fairness, accuracy, credibility, and toughness in his reporting for the CBS Television Station Group -CBS 11 News, WFAA-TV (ABC) in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, and CBS Viacomreporting from the New York State Legislature. His investigative reports garnered areputation for helping to send corrupt politicians and government officials to federalprison and were the catalyst for landmark changes in public policy.

Riggs was an embedded reporter with the Army unit that led the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and he also covered Gulf War I. His assignments have included covering the White House, Congress, Pentagon, and State Department during the administrations of President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush. He appeared as a guest correspondent on ABC Nightline with Ted Koppel, CNN, and ESPN. CBS 60 Minutes and CBS News Online featured his investigative reports from

Iraq. He reported from the “eye of the storm” of major breaking news stories including the mass murder at Luby’s Cafeteria in Texas; the Branch Davidian siegein Waco; the Oklahoma City bombing; the standoff with the Republic of Texas separatists, and numerous natural disasters.

Riggs’ enterprise reporting primarily focused on the criminal justice system and national security with an emphasis on terrorism. In this connection, The University of Virginia Critical Incident Analysis Group and FBI selected Riggs in 2000 as an expert member of a multi-disciplinary panel that examined the architecture of terrorism and the symbolism of its targets. Meeting near the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson, the panel produced a landmark report entitled “Threats to Symbols of

American Democracy” that prophetically identified vulnerabilities that would latertragically unfold during the 9-11 attacks. The Dallas Crime Commission awarded its first-ever Excellence in Crime Reporting Award to Riggs for his reporting on identity theft and Mexican Drug Cartels. The American Bar Association awarded him its Silver Gavel award for his investigative series Free To Kill which uncovered systemic corruption inside the Texas parole and prison systems.

Prior to his journalism career, Riggs served as an investigator for the late Congressman Wright Patman of Texas who was Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Joint Economic Committee, and Joint Committee on Defense Production.

As the Chief Investigator for the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Riggs spearheaded inquiries that touched on Watergate and Pentagon bribery scandals. He reported to the joint leadership of Representative Patman and Senator William Proxmire.

In this role, Riggs held a Top Secret security clearance from the Department of Defense and received training from both the GAO and U.S. Army. The Committee’s investigation of a defense contractor’s bribery scheme contributed to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Riggs currently belongs to the FBI’s North Texas Chapter of InfraGard which was formed in response to the 9/11 terror attacks. He is also a longtime member of the Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE) . It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving investigative reporting around the world. He served as an adult leader in a church-based Boy Scout Troup in Dallas and is a past board member of the Gladney Center in Fort Worth, the nation’s oldest existing adoption agency.

Website: RobertRiggs.com

About Jackie Schlegal



True Texas Project is blowing and going! People are coming to us in droves ready to take action against a bloated government, and we are working as hard as we can to help meet needs, get people trained, and open new locations. We've even got people from out of state seeking our help!  We MUST maximize this opportunity.  We figure we have about a 3-month window to catch folks while they are paying attention, and once we get them, we believe we can hold onto them for life.

All that being said, True Texas Project is funded 100% by donations from individuals.  The BEST way to help us is to donate a set amount every month so we can set a budget, but we love one-time donations too!  You can donate to our general fund (a c4 organization), our PAC (which primarily funds our voter guides during the Primary Election), or to our tax-deductible c3 organization which focuses solely on non-partisan education. Click here for more information and to donate.  We cannot do anything without you, and every bit helps!  Our average donation is $15/month...  That's not a lot, but a little bit from everybody sure adds up!

And don't forget!  Our big fundraiser Texas Tough, Texas Proud is April 17!  Check out this 25-second promo clip, and buy your tickets today!

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