Every Second Counts for the Survivors: CND event

When a nuclear bomb hit the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945, the impact was devastating. Tens of thousands of people died immediately and 92% of buildings were damaged and destroyed. In the years that followed, up to 200,000 of Hiroshima's residents - out of a population of 350,000 - died of related illnesses, including cancer. For many of the survivors, what they witnessed compelled them to devote their life's work to campaigning against nuclear weapons.

CND is lucky enough to be joined by one of these survivors for this online event. Mr Miyake Nobuo was 16 years old when the bomb was dropped in Hiroshima. He jumped off a tram as the explosion hit, possibly saving his life.  

Register for our event today to hear from Mr Miyake and find out about a new project, 'Every Second Counts for the Survivors!', which aims to make the most of the limited opportunities to listen to first-hand accounts from survivors.


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