Hi Friend,

Thursday, radical Democrats in Congress reintroduced the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO) Act, a job-killing bill backed by the Biden administration. 
The PRO Act would impose a version of California’s job-killing law Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) on the entire nation. It includes a provision that would reclassify millions of independent contractors as employees, which would destroy critical jobs and income at a time when Americans need them the most.
The PRO Act is an assault on freedom and choice in the workplace.
Join us in speaking out against this reckless policy proposal, and defend independent contractors.
Sign the Petition
Today, there are many options for gainful employment, including work arrangements outside of a 9-to-5 job. This is liberating and empowering for women, and it has become a critical lifeline for Americans during the pandemic.
The free market has fueled the rise of flexible opportunities that allow women to supplement their family’s income or entirely support themselves and their families, while balancing caregiving, medical issues, and other priorities.
Free-market forces have also empowered workers to negotiate the wages, benefits, and schedules that fit their own unique circumstances. 
They don’t need a union boss or government to be the middleman for them. 
The PRO Act would change all of this and force workers to choose between a one-size-fits-all traditional job—or no work at all.

Speak Up: Sign the Petition
Today’s workers value flexibility and freedom, and independent contract work provides for that. The PRO Act would do nothing more than fill the coffers of unions and strip American workers of jobs they so desperately want and need.
Congress should be looking for ways to support the upward growth of women in the workforce and advance opportunities for women, and really all Americans, to work on their own terms and time. 
Ultimately, though, the government should get out of the way and let the free market flourish, entrepreneurial spirit thrive, and Americans work freely.
Defend independent contractors from damaging policies like the PRO Act.
Sign the Petition
Patrice Onwuka