Dear John,
What a difference an election makes! Thank you for everything you did to make that historic victory and the election victory in Georgia possible.
The Biden-Harris administration and its allies in Congress spurred on by the people's movement are racing to undo the past four years' damage and address the pandemic, economic, climate, and racial justice crises. Not surprisingly, the GOP is obstructing the passage of the $1.9 Covid-19 relief package. Breaking that obstruction is a critical task for us and the mass democratic movements.
People’s World was in the middle of the election battle because of your donations. We are together with you in this battle too. Your gift of $100, $50, $25, or $10 to our "100 days of struggle" appeal will ensure we play a critical role.
The Trump insurrection failed, but his fascist movement lives on. It’s worth remembering the last time fascism threatened the world. The communist movement internationally, including the Daily Worker, a predecessor of today's People's World, was at the forefront of defending democracy. Communists and progressives here and abroad joined the International Brigades. They went to Spain to fight Francisco Franco, and later during WWII, they fought, worked in the factories, and contributed hard-earned money to oppose fascism in all its guises.
We know we can count on you to do the same now. We launched a “100 days of Struggle” campaign to raise $50,000 by May 1. Will you be one of 500 people donating $100 to get us there?
I’m very excited to tell you because of the generosity and commitment of readers like you, we’ve already raised $21,000 toward that goal!
Like millions of working people, other small businesses, non-profits, and institutions, the revenue streams supporting People’s World have taken an enormous hit from the economic crisis. As a result, Long View Publishing Co., Inc. was forced to lay-off most of its staff, including those working at People’s World.
Together, we can overcome this challenge. Many supporters are already stepping up. Your donation will ensure we can raise $50,000 by May 1.
Because of your support, People’s World readership topped 3 million in 2020, 150,000 return readers, launched a new podcast and won 13 awards for stellar journalism. And People’s World is indispensable to countering the plethora of lies and conspiracy theories from the right-wing propaganda media with the truth.
These achievements are threatened.
Can we count on you to be one of 500 people to give $100? Others will show their support by donating what they can, $50, $25, or $10.
Or by becoming monthly sustainers for the duration of the crisis.
Thank you so much for all your support! Together we can do it.
In solidarity,
John Bachtell
Pres., Long View Publishing Co., Inc
Publisher of People’s World