People For Member, Few things in Congress pose a greater threat to fulfilling a progressive agenda than one thing: a harmful procedural rule to prevent voting on a bill known as the ‘filibuster.’ Dating back more than 150 years, this rule has in recent decades been used to block votes on significant legislation – and will be used by the far-right as a weapon against progressive legislation in the new Congress. We cannot allow the far-right to hold progressive legislation hostage in the Senate! It is urgent that the new Congress and administration be able to enact legislation that the American people elected them to advance. Add your name to DEMAND that Senate Democrats end the legislative filibuster! >> The right wing has used the filibuster to obstruct the agenda of past Democratic administrations and make no mistake they intend to do it again – with all the finesse of a battering ram against any landmark progressive legislation Democrats seek to pass this Congress. It is quickly becoming the biggest hurdle in the way of desperately needed and popular reforms that would strengthen our democracy and protect Americans’ fundamental rights. Right at this moment, Senate right-wingers are preparing to block measures on a slew of progressive priorities, including the expansion and protection of voting rights, ending violent policing, ending big money in politics, reproductive rights protections, immigrants’ rights, environmental protections – to name a few! Without a change to end the legislative filibuster, the far-right minority will once again obstruct this and other critical legislation – subverting the will of The People as they have done all too often in the past. We must put an end to the madness – tell the Senate to put an END to filibuster abuse! >> If we are unsuccessful in putting an end to the filibuster it may spell disaster for many of our greatest legislative proposals and we CANNOT let that happen. Thanks for all you do, Zach, People For the American Way