From Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America <[email protected]>
Subject On the verge of a huge victory ...
Date September 27, 2019 6:20 PM
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But four key senators need your help

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Chuck Canterbury Nomination is Postponed Because of Strong Grassroots Activism!

Click on the button to Take Action! With Canterbury on the “ropes,” please thank the four key Senators who are leading the charge against him -- and encourage them to resist pressure from the White House to change their votes!

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Anti-gun Pick to Head ATF Favors “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders

Dear John,

Thanks to your activism, Gun Owners of America has scored a stunning victory -- forcing a humiliating postponement in efforts to confirm the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The Free Beacon is reporting [[link removed]] that the Chuck Canterbury nomination has been indefinitely postponed for now because of opposition from Republican Senators who are “concerned about his stances on gun control.”

The Free Beacon quotes a Senate staffer as saying that Canterbury’s “2A views are bad and he'd lose a lot of votes in [the Judiciary] committee.”

The vote was supposed to occur in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

With this nominee on the “ropes,” the Trump administration is reportedly digging in its heels [[link removed]] and calling key Republican Senators to change their positions.

So while several Republican Senators have been clearly listening to you, the battle is definitely not over yet!

GOA members have done a fantastic job pointing out Canterbury’s anti-gun positions to their Senators.

And earlier this week, GOA’s Federal Director Aidan Johnston sent a letter to GOP Senators, reiterating the nominee’s anti-gun views [[link removed]] and highlighting his support for “red flag” gun confiscation orders.

Pro-gun ally Senator Mike Lee of Utah has been leading the opposition to Canterbury’s nomination since July.

And Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) recently told The Hill [[link removed]] that Canterbury’s views on the Second Amendment were “really, really concerning.”

In addition to Lee and Hawley, other key legislators who have expressed concern over Chuck Canterbury are Senators John Kennedy (R-LA) and Ben Sasse (R-NE).

Gun owners should encourage these four senators to continue their opposition. For without their support, the Canterbury nomination will die in committee.

So please add your name to our pre-written letter which thanks Senators Lee, Hawley, Kennedy and Sasse for their opposition to Canterbury [[link removed]].

The letter also encourages these Senators to resist the intense pressure that will now come from the White House, demanding that they change their vote.

Thank you for taking action!

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt

Senior Vice President

Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt [[link removed]]

P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to take action. To renew your GOA membership or to join for the first time, please click here [[link removed]].

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