Feminist Majority Foundation
Feminist News Digest | Week of February 1-February 5

The Weekly Feminist News Digest brings you some of the most important feminist news stories of the week. Other recent feminist news can be found here.The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, made possible through the support of individuals like you.Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today.



After the Polish constitutional court issued a ruling in October that imposed a near-total ban on abortion in the country, over one hundred thousand Polish activsts have been been protesting the law, now for over 100 days. These protests are the largest mass protest movement that the country has seen in its post-communist era.


The South Carolina Senate voted 30-13 to pass a bill that will outlaw almost all abortions in the state if signed into law. 


On Tuesday, President Biden signed three executive orders aimed at reversing the “zero tolerance” immigration policies of the Trump administration. Biden said during the signing that “I’m not making new law. I’m eliminating bad policy.”




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