Save Women’s Sports Movement Hits Texas

This week, people across the nation remembered and honored the contributions and accomplishments of female athletes and the value of female sports. This observance involves recognizing that women deserve to compete on a level playing field. Unfortunately, a growing trend of allowing biological males to compete in women’s sporting events is being accelerated by the Biden Administration’s unprecedented promotion of transgender ideology.

Numerous women have been put at a disadvantage because schools and organizations ignore obvious biological differences and prioritize radical ideology over reality. To address this issue, Texas legislators have begun filing legislation to establish “fair play” in women’s sports. Our team is committed to supporting bills recently filed in the Texas Legislature, including HB 1458 by Rep. Valoree Swanson and SB 373 by Senator Charles Perry, to protect athletic opportunities and scholarships for women.



State of the State: Gov. Abbott Highlights Life and Religious Freedom

On Monday night, Governor Greg Abbott gave his State of the State address to Texans, touching on everything from COVID-19 challenges to job growth. The address, given every odd-numbered year at the start of the Texas Legislative Session, is an opportunity for the Governor to lay out his emergency items (allowing lawmakers to bypass the Texas Constitution’s no voting rule for the first 60 days of session), and to express his support for legislative issues he considers priorities.

Besides his emergency items, Governor Abbott also expressed strong support for religious freedom, saying “We must ensure that freedom to worship is forever safeguarded. I want a law this session that prevents any government entity from shutting down religious activities in Texas.” He also stated his strong support for pro-life legislation in Texas, making it clear that ending abortion is a priority for him. We look forward to working to ensure both life and religious freedom are protected this legislative session.



Join Legislative Advocacy 101 Seminar

Want to know how to make a difference at the Texas Capitol for faith, family, and freedom during the ongoing Texas Legislative Session? Look no further! Please join Texas Values’ Legislative Advocacy 101 seminar. This virtual training event will be on Monday, February 8th at 12 PM (CST) and will be led by Texas Values’ professional policy team, with over 25 years of collective experience about the workings of the Texas legislative process. RSVP Today!

HOA Religious Freedom Bills Filed

This week, over 200 bills and resolutions were filed by members of the legislature. Among them, a set of bills was filed by Senator Paul Bettencourt and Rep. Mike Schofield (SB 581 and HB 1569) to protect religious expression and affirm private property rights. The bills ensure that homeowner associations would not be able to enforce or adopt a restriction that prohibits a property owner from displaying religious items, including Christmas lights.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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Suite L115
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(512) 478-2220
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