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ADL Launches PROTECT Plan to Fight Domestic Terrorism
On January 6, Americans watched as an insurrection fueled by violent conspiracy theories and white supremacy gripped the nation and attacked our democracy. In response, ADL is launching the PROTECT Plan to mitigate the threat of domestic terrorism while protecting civil liberties. Together, these seven actions would significantly help prevent and counter domestic terrorism – more so than any one law – and can do so while protecting vulnerable communities against the risk of government overreach.
Read More and sign petition | |
February is Black History Month
February is Black History Month, an opportunity to explore the Black experience, including the history and culture of African-American people, the injustice they face and how that injustice has been and continues to be confronted. This month we feature guides, K-12 curriculum and other resources
to bring the themes of Black History Month to your home or classroom during February and throughout the year. As with similarly themed months, it is important not to isolate Black history and culture into one month during the year. Black history is American history and should be celebrated throughout the year.
Learn more and view resources | |
Webinar Recording: Diversity, Representation and Black History Month
Last week, ADL's Mid-Atlantic/Midwest Division held an educator webinar on Diversity, Representation, and Teaching Black History/African-American Heritage Month, hosted by ADL Cleveland and ADL Washington, D.C. The webinar explores what diversity is and why representation matters. Facilitators provide ideas to engage students in lessons and activities that get them to think broadly and critically about the Black experience in all of its complexity, including history, point of view, politics, struggle, first-person experience, art, literature and more.
Watch here | |
Threats, Calls for Violence Targeting Elected Officials
In the weeks before and after the inauguration of President Biden, public officials nationwide have come under attack, with politicians and their families receiving death threats and violently worded texts. Offices have been vandalized, and private residences have been targeted with harassment online and by phone.
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ADL & Moonshot Partnered to Reduce Extremist Violence During US Presidential Election, Redirected Thousands Towards Safer Content
Together with Moonshot, ADL tracked extremism and disinformation around the 2020 Presidential Election. From September to December 2020, using the Redirect Method, we redirected tens of thousands of individual who searched for violent extremist material to safer content on the web, avoiding exposure to the falsehoods of extremist narratives.
full report here | |
GameStop Stock Spike Awakens Classic Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories
During the final week of January 2021, beleaguered retailer GameStop’s stock was driven to astronomical new highs when posters on the r/WallStreetBets subreddit launched a buying frenzy -- ostensibly aimed at soaking the Wall Street hedge funds that had shorted the stock for profit.
As the GameStop event played out, particularly after trading was restricted by multiple brokerages, a small segment of social media users decried the role of Jews in supposedly rigging the system, echoing centuries-old antisemitic tropes about Jewish greed and Jews manipulating the global economy through control of finance, government and media.
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ADL Washington, D.C. in the Local News
In the aftermath of January 6, and as legislative sessions begin, ADL Washington, D.C. staff have been busy keeping the public informed as we look ahead into 2021. Check out the links below to view news coverage of our work in our local communities: | |

Changing the World One Word at a Time: Conversation and Live Drawing Demonstration with Jerry Craft
Jerry Craft, New York Times bestselling author and Newbery Medal winning author/illustrator, will discuss his journey to becoming a published author and illustrator and the creative process behind his books, New Kid and Class Act. The event will include a live drawing demonstration and Q&A with the author will follow the presentation.
The event will be moderated by Marsha Frith, Education Director Florida Region, Sherasa Thomas, Education Director Dallas Region and Jinnie Spiegler, ADL Education's Director of Curriculum and Training.
Register here | |
Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL’s Signature Synagogue Program?
ADL Washington, D.C.'s Regional Signature Synagogue Program is an important way to engage our community and ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. This program creates a unifying initiative for community education and engagement. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL's programs, resources and learning opportunities. This is an ongoing year-long program where each synagogue will receive recognition of participation and granted a certificate of completion.
For more information, contact ADL Washington, D.C. | |
Upcoming Community Events | |
HIAS Refugee Shabbat 2021
In March 2021, ADL will be a proud co-sponsor of HIAS’ Refugee Shabbat, during which Jews in the United States and around the world will take action for refugees. Over the Shabbat of March 5-6, 2021, the Jewish community will dedicate sacred time and space to refugees and asylum seekers. Now in its third year with hundreds of congregations and thousands of individuals participating, this Refugee Shabbat will be an opportunity to once again raise awareness in our communities, to recognize the work that has been done and to reaffirm our commitment to welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.
Learn more and sign-up | |