Hi team,
Big news: Maura’s 50th birthday is next week! We want to make sure her day is as special as she is – and we need your help.
Will you sign Maura’s card to wish her a happy birthday? She works so hard for the people of Massachusetts day in and day out, and I want to make sure that she knows we’re all cheering her on each step of the way. You can also leave a personal note for her, and I’ll make sure she sees it. Your personal touch will mean so much to her!
I’d also like to personally invite you to her virtual birthday party on Thursday, February 11th at 5:30 pm. This is an opportunity for all of Team Healey to come together and celebrate the People’s Lawyer. I know Maura would be thrilled if you join us. You can reserve your ticket here for $50, or sign up for a $5 monthly recurring contribution. You can also RSVP by emailing [email protected]
Maura’s birthday wouldn’t be complete without you, so I hope you’ll join us. And remember, the party is BYOH – Bring Your Own Hoodsie! 
See you then,

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States