From [ASAP] Sarah Hart <>
Subject Winter Radishes + February Photo of the Month
Date February 5, 2021 6:00 PM
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ASAP's Weekly Farmers Market Report - February 5, 2021

Fresh at Farmers Markets

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Radishes are widely available at winter farmers markets, but can often be overlooked as a raw salad component, taco condiment, or pop of color on a crudité spread. Those uses are all great, of course, but these cruciferous veggies are also fantastic cooked. Here are some ideas to take advantage of a variety of radishes available at markets now.
Red or multicolor ball radishes are one of the sweeter varieties (though still plenty peppery) and are usually sold with greens still attached. You can eat both. These smaller radishes do especially well glazed with brown butter or miso butter. Halve or quarter radishes, then roast or blanch until crisp-tender. Melt butter in a pan, browning or stirring in miso as desired, and toss with the radishes, finishing with a squeeze of lemon juice. Sauté greens separately and serve together. Look for ball radishes from Olivette Farm : [link removed] at ASAP Farmers Market : [link removed] or Highgate Farm : [link removed] at River Arts District Farmers Market : [link removed].
Mild daikon radishes become sweeter when cooked. Turning them into oven-roasted “french fries” is a great way to get the whole family excited. Slice daikons into half-inch sticks (no need to peel them). Rinse them under cold water, then pat them dry. Toss with olive oil and salt and spread evenly on a sheet tray. Roast at 450 degrees for about 30 minutes, tossing them halfway through. Remove once fries are golden brown. Let cool slightly on a baking rack or tray lined with paper towels. These are great on their own, but you can also serve them with spicy mayo or chile ketchup. Ten Mile Farm : [link removed] at ASAP Farmers Market has multicolored daikon radishes, while Lee’s One Fortune Farm : [link removed] has a more elongated white variety, sold with greens, at ASAP Farmers Market : [link removed] and River Arts District Farmers Market : [link removed]. 
If you’re looking for more bite, try black radishes. This pungent variety, available from Ten Mile Farm, has coal-colored skin and snowy white flesh. Black radishes make a good storage crop, so you’ll usually see them sold without greens. They are about three or four inches and round. Try roasting them whole and mashing with butter and seasonings, kind of like a baked potato. (Peel the skin before eating for a less earthy flavor, if you prefer.)
At farmers markets right now you’ll also find lettuce and mixed salad greens, dark leafy greens like kale and spinach, turnips, carrots, beets, apples, and winter squash. In addition to produce, markets feature meat, fish, bread, rice, prepared foods, fermented products, baked treats, and much more. Farmers tailgate markets take place throughout the region, even in the winter. You can find information about farms, tailgate markets, and farm stands, including locations and hours, by visiting ASAP’s online Local Food Guide : [link removed].

February Photo of the Month

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Finding yourself dreaming of summer's bounty? Our February photo of the month from Mighty Gnome Market Garden : [link removed] is here to remind us that now is the time to sign up for a CSA share to receive a weekly box of fresh produce or other farm goods. Browse CSA farms in Full Share : [link removed].

Connect with Us

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ASAP's mission is to help local farms thrive, link farmers to markets and supporters, and build healthy communities through connections to local food.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Farmer Roundtable : [link removed]

PPP 2.0 Information Update : [link removed]

Writing and Implementing your GAP Certification Plan : [link removed]

Polk Winter Farmer’s Market : [link removed]

PPP 2.0 Information Update : [link removed]

WNC Hemp Growers Meeting : [link removed] : [link removed]

Country (non-grape) Winemaking : [link removed]

Farm Dreams Workshop : [link removed]

ASAP’s Business of Farming Virtual Conference : [link removed]

Find more upcoming events (or post your own) at : [link removed].

ASAP on the Air

: [link removed] Three generations of the Creasman family have grown apples in Henderson County, North Carolina. Hear how Creasman Farms has evolved over the years and why they consider the whole community part of their family in this week's episode of Growing Local : [link removed]. You can listen to all Growing Local episodes on SoundCloud : [link removed], iTunes : [link removed], or on ASAP's website : [link removed] & Farm News

Two restaurants focusing on local food and community will open soon, reports the Asheville Citizen-Times : [link removed]. 

Asheville Strong's Feed Our City will partner with the Asheville City Schools PODS program, also in the Asheville Citizen-Times : [link removed].

ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) - 306 W. Haywood Street - Asheville - NC - 28801

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