Time is running out to double your impact.
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For just three more days, you can have your donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund matched dollar-for-dollar. Click here to DOUBLE your impact.

We can't let this chance to stretch your generosity go to waste — not with so much at stake. Here's why your support matters so much right now:

$60 can become $120 to help get voters registered in key states before the next election.

$100 can become $200 to make sure that someone with Brett Kavanaugh's record NEVER makes it to the Supreme Court again.

$200 can become $400 to fight back against state bans on abortion and other dangerous laws designed to get between patients and their doctors.

Over the next 12 months, we're going to be fighting tooth and nail to protect our health and rights. Whether we can win, whether we have the resources we need to face everything that's coming our way — that's up to you.

Time is running out to have your gift doubled by this special matching gift. Don't wait to make your impact. We need you now.
Your commitment is at the very heart of everything we do. Thank you for your unwavering support for reproductive health and rights.
Alexis McGill Johnson, Acting President
Planned Parenthood Action Fund