
Last week, Governor Whitmer gave her State of the State address and introduced supplemental funding using federal aid. She put forward a bi-partisan message and a funding plan that would increase support for schools, provide direct relief to small businesses and allocate more funding to speed up vaccine distribution. All things crucially needed to aid Michigan’s economic recovery and protect people from the COVID-19 virus.

Then came the petty, partisan Republican opposition. Today, House Republicans voted on their completely inadequate plan that doesn’t provide nearly the same funding and they’re threatening to withhold school funding and federal aid if the Governor doesn’t sign off on their political demands.

These dollars are use or lose it – and right now Republicans would rather we lose our hard-earned dollars to another state than bring Michigan taxpayer dollars back to Michigan to help now.

COVID-19 doesn’t care about politics. It is still spreading throughout our state keeping people from visiting small businesses, going to work and seeing their loved ones.

These partisan games are not what Michiganders want or need.

This is why my Democratic colleagues and I put forward a clean plan to quickly disperse the federal aid and get those dollars back into the economy and back to taxpayers.

Can you pitch in $5, $10, or $25 to support us and tell Republicans to end the political games?

We hope that you are well and healthy during this very difficult time. We have cancelled our in-person fundraising events until we can meet again safely, which makes email fundraising more important than ever. We know that not everyone is able to financially support our campaign right now, but for those who can, every dollar given will go directly to finding innovative new ways to communicate with voters. We won’t let this virus stop us from making positive change in Lansing, and we hope you’ll stick with us however you can. Thank you for being a part of our team.
Copyright © *|2017|* *|Lasinski for Michigan PAC|*, All rights reserved.
Paid for by the Lasinski for Michigan PAC
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