Dear John,

Take action to protect our wild places from Big Oil and its GOP cronies.

Big Oil allies in Congress are not wasting anytime in their attempts to block President Biden from taking decisive action on climate. One day after Biden signed an Executive Order pausing oil and gas leasing on public lands, a group of GOP Senators introduced the POWER Act -- which would undo the President’s order. Take action now.

If we do not stop this legislation, our shared public lands will be at risk and we could see drilling near iconic places like Sequoia National park and Chaco Canyon.

Nearly 25 percent of U.S. climate emissions come from the extraction and burning of fossil fuels from our public lands and waters. Biden made good on his campaign promise to issue a new moratorium on public lands leasing. Now his bold climate move is under attack by Senators lining their pockets from their Big Oil cronies. John, we need your help to fight them.

Take action now. Demand your Senators support President Biden’s executive order to stop public land leasing.

Our planet cannot afford to wait any longer. We have less than 10 years remaining to avert climate catastrophe, and Republican Senators are intent on making the climate crisis worse every day.

If our wild lands are opened to more oil and gas operations, some of our most iconic landscapes will be at risk and threatened wildlife will be pushed further toward the brink. Polar bears, sea turtles, wolves, sage grouse, and Bald Eagles face the impact of habitat destruction.

The large number of rare and sensitive species that rely on public lands all depend on clean air and water, open spaces to roam, and undisturbed ecosystems -- all of which are threatened by Big Oil development.

Take a stand for our wildlife and wild places. Tell your Senators to protect them over Big Polluter profits.

Fracking on our public lands not only endangers wildlife and sensitive landscapes -- it also threatens local communities. Indigenous and Black communities are disproportionately impacted by Big Oil fracking and drilling, and the GOP Senators are trying to disregard their voices.

Contrary to industry lies, the pause in new leasing will have little impact on existing jobs or state and local economies.

Big oil and gas pollute our air and water, putting public safety at risk. The water extracted from fracking has the potential to be radioactive. Additionally, exposure to fracking has been linked to numerous health issues ranging from heart problems to childhood leukemia.

John, we need concerned activists like you to take a stand with President Biden. We cannot let the fossil fuel industry continue to devastate Indigenous and Black communities and our wild places. Will you join us and demand your Senators put people and our planet ahead of Big Oil?

Enough is enough. Demand our public lands be protected from Big Oil polluters. 

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
