Successful federal delisting requires that states have adequate protections in place. But to prematurely delist wolves – in the face of hostile states and while wolves are still recovering within their borders – strips away their last line of defense, opening the floodgates for widespread killing. We’ve seen this play out in other states where wolves aren’t covered by the Endangered Species Act. Imagine if that safeguard didn’t exist?
Wolves could be back on the path to being wiped out in the lower 48 once again.
Your urgent donation to Defenders will give voice to vulnerable wolves and other imperiled animals that have no voice of their own. Please help fight back today!
Together, we’ll hold off the forces seeking to destroy the dream of wolf recovery in suitable areas. We’re calling on the Biden administration to reinforce national wolf protections, and if that fails, we’ll turn back to the courts. We won’t ever give up on wolves.
Thank you for all you do for imperiled wildlife.