Stop voter suppression in Georgia

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New American and BIPOC communities in Georgia have made their voices heard loud and clear: It’s time for a new progressive era of leadership! But Georgia Republicans are fighting to stop our movement and squash our growing political power.  

Earlier this week, Republicans in the Georgia State Senate introduced nine voter suppression bills. These bills would have wide-ranging consequences that make it harder for #PeopleLikeUs to vote including eliminating no-excuse absentee voting, revoking automatic registration, preventing volunteer groups from registering people to vote by mail, and taking away ballot drop boxes, just to name a few of the many impacts. If passed, this legislation would overwhelmingly hurt New American and BIPOC communities; taking away our right to vote and reversing the progress we have made in Georgia toward a more representative democracy. 

We can’t let this happen. Make your voice heard and tell Georgia State Senators to oppose these discriminatory bills! 

Whether you call or email, your actions can make a difference. Join us in telling Senators to oppose SB 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, and 72! 

Want to help your action go further? Donate $10 today to help New American Leaders Action Fund support new leaders ready to lead our state into a bold, progressive future. 

As we proved last election, when we work together, we can shake up politics as usual. Please join me in taking action again.


Yours in the movement,

Everton Blair
National Governance Director
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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