Did you catch our email yesterday? Rural hospitals are struggling to obtain and distribute vaccines.
That’s why we’re asking you to add your name and DEMAND Congress provide the resources rural hospitals need to safely and effectively distribute the vaccine >>>
This is a dire moment. And we can’t afford to be complacent.
Thanks for your help,
Tom Winter
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From: Take Action with Expand the Map
Date: Thu, Feb. 4, 2021
Subject: ADD YOUR NAME: rural healthcare NEEDS a lifeline
John —
Rural hospitals are struggling to keep up with a pandemic spreading out of control. With limited staff and resources, and high infection rates per capita, our rural hospitals are under extreme stress.
And now, rural hospitals are being left behind as states begin to distribute the vaccine. In communities with limited intensive care capacity, the vaccine could take the pressure off our overburdened hospitals by opening up beds.
Add your name and DEMAND Congress provide the resources rural hospitals need to safely and effectively distribute the vaccine >>>
Thanks to years of disinformation campaigns around vaccines, frontline healthcare staff will have their work cut out for them. In rural communities west of the Mississippi, we need to make sure healthcare heroes have the tools they need to vaccinate and protect those around them.
Stand with us and call for rural hospitals and healthcare systems to get what they need to vaccinate their communities >>>
Rural America’s healthcare system has been left behind for decades. It’s time for Congress to step up and bridge the gap.
Expand the Map