Hey, everyone!
Lots of talk about Texit these days! How do you feel about it?
Maybe eventually?
Too many question marks to have an opinion yet?
That's ok! We think the topic deserves a conversation regardless, and that's why we are hosting a True Talk this week with State Rep Kyle Biedermann. He's authored a bill in the Texas House for Texit, and we want to hear all about it. Come learn with us!
Join us for a special meeting of True Texas Project! We will host
State Representative Kyle Biedermann, author of the TEXIT bill! What
does the bill do? Is it possible to have a peaceful exit plan? Is that
even a good idea? Are there other ways to Texit? What are the likely
costs of a Texit? Can Texas survive on her own? Ok, that last one is a
silly question, isn’t it? But come hear Biedermann’s plan and get your
questions answered! Plus, we always enjoy hanging out with our True
Texan friends, old and new.
All True Texans from all our current locations and all patriots are welcome to attend this special event added to our calendar!
True Talk with State Rep Kyle Biedermann
Discussing TEXIT
Friday, February 5
DFW Adventure Park – 13055 Cleveland Gibbs Rd, Northlake
6:30pm – $5 pizza opens (while supplies last)
7:00-8:30pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
(Sorry! No childcare at this event.)
NOTES: some GPS give the address as Roanoke and some as Westlake.
Also, the venue has 75 chairs. We have no idea how many to expect. You might throw a camp chair in your trunk just in case.
About Kyle Biedermann:
I have been blessed to live in Texas for the past 30 years and I have
been working as hard as I can to provide for my family and my community
at Biedermann’s Ace Hardware in Fredericksburg.
As a small business owner I know what it means to keep up with a
payroll, take care of customers and to make ends meet and I will not be
swayed by the power brokers and the unethical influences in Austin.
As a Christian and a conservative Republican I am proud to serve as
State Representative in the great district covering Gillespie, Comal and
Kendall counties. I am proud to be a conservative and dutiful citizen
legislator, not a career politician.
Since elected, I have stayed positive and focused solely on the
issues that affect the hardworking people and seniors in this district
like rising property taxes, water conservation, the second amendment,
unfunded state mandates on our schools, over regulation and higher taxes
on our businesses and our God given private property rights.
At the federal level, and in Texas, I have watched our already
bloated government continue to overtax, over spend and rip away our God
given freedoms. We need real conservative leadership in our Capitol and
this is exactly why I made the sacrifice to run for office.
As more and more folks move to Texas, and as this district grows, we
need to be vigilant in protecting life, the constitution, our economy
and our very way of life. We must act now to keep Texas free and
While there are no simple or easy answers, together we can accomplish great things!