Whew! THAT was close! Donald Trump almost got away with decreasing our insanely enormous overseas presence in a country where we have 35 military bases, even though no country has threatened to invade!

Yes, first he tried to withdraw from the illegal invasion of Syria, then he tried to cut the number of troops in Afghanistan, but Congress teamed up to stop him. And then he tried to cut down our completely unnecessary and wasteful presence in Germany. Can you believe the nerve?

Well, thank God for Joe Biden! Those women and men serving their country didn't want to come home! No, they especially enjoy the German winters. They didn't want to be able to see their families anyway!

It's more important that our government spends a shit ton of money on drone flights to bomb Iraqi families, or trying to antagonize Venezuela or Iran into attacking so we can bomb another million or two people, or even propping up Egyptian and Colombian dictators than it is to make sure our people do silly, meaningless things like, you know, eating. Or having a home. Or healthcare. Or a good education. Or quality food that isn't saturated with chemicals.

Don't be selfish! We HAVE to bomb people. Otherwise the people that own nesting-doll yachts and private islands won't have any money to trickle down to us and will have to get jobs. (No they won't)
The US and its allies have continually antagonized Iran, seizing ships, attacks from Israel, assassinating a military leader and sanctions (which I will remind you always target the poor). There are US military bases surrounding the Iranian border and the US is the one that withdrew from the JCPA and still our corrupt politicians and media tell us we should fear Iran, because the politicians and media profit from war. They are sociopaths that sell death.

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