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The mother and baby homes commission report highlights the cruel consequences of unchecked religious authority, says NSS president Keith Porteous Wood.
Volunteer mappers in the UK have described their "incredible" and "rewarding" experiences in lockdown helping to fight female genital mutilation (FGM) thousands of miles away in east Africa.
The Orthodox Church in Romania is facing growing pressure to change baptism rituals after a baby died following a ceremony which involves immersing infants three times in holy water.
When the coronavirus forced churches to close their doors and give up Sunday collections, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte turned to the federal government's signature small business relief program for more than $8 million.
India's top court has granted bail to a comedian after he spent 35 days in jail for a joke he didn't crack. He is accused of "insulting" Hindu religious sentiments in jokes that he had allegedly prepared, although they did not appear in his set that night.
Theocratic demands for censorship in India and Pakistan reflect attempts to grab power which undermine everyone's religious freedom, says Megan Manson.
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