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Friday, February 5th, 2021

CDC Sleight of Hand Revealed in Covid-19 Death Rates

Bill Sardi

The GameStop Saga Unravels Stakeholder Theory

Jeff Deist

AOC’s Capitol Story Is Crumbling

Despite claiming she had a near-death experience, she wasn’t even in the same building.

Useful Quotes in Defense of Vaccine Skepticism

Gary G. Kohls, MD

The Collapse of Red vs.. Blue

Thomas Luongo

How a Secret Obama Directive Brought Chaos to Our World

F. William Engdahl

Historical Lessons in Prosperity vs. Poverty

Simon Black

Polling and the Truth

Paul Gottfried

The Digital Police State Is Being Institutionalized Throughout the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts

If There Is No Virus, What Is the Test Testing For?

Jon Rappoport

CDC and TSA Form Federal Mask Police…and Enforcement Is Up to Officer Discretion

Daisy Luther

What Does A Silver Panic Look Like?

Veteran precious metals dealer recounts past buying frenzies. Adam Taggart

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