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Muslim Brotherhood terror supporter and non-vet Denis McDonough just confirmed for new Secretary of the Veterans Administration
The U.S. Senate just confirmed Denis McDonough to be the new Secretary of the Veterans Administration.

Terrorist / Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid (Left) with new VA Secretary Denis McDonough (Right), who praises Magid

Terrorist ...

DeSantis vs. Media on Big Tech Bias: “You Can Whiz On My Leg, But Don’t Tell Me It’s Raining”
Just Watch. 

DeSantis vs. Media on Big Tech Bias: “You Can Whiz On My Leg, But Don't Tell Me It's Raining”

By Real Clear Politics, February 3, 2021

At a press conference on Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters that ...

WATCH: Joe☭ Biden says he will RESTORE and EXPAND the US refugee program (for ‘massive election advantage’)
The pandemic is used to imprison Americans and destroy our economy – but it's not a problem for mass refugee immigration. We saw how it routed Europe – what could possibly go wrong?

Related: Mo Brooks on Amnesty: 'Power Grab' Giving ...

PLUMMETING Fox News finishes the month DEAD LAST! THIRD PLACE for the first time in 20 years
They crapped all over us. Literally. Payback is beautiful. Delete Fox News. Never reward betrayal and treachery.

.@FOXnews finished the month in third place FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 20 YEARS. #DumpFOX

— Atlas Shrugs (@atlasshrugs) February ...

MAD TYRANTS: House managers DEMAND Trump testify in bogus Senate ‘impeachment’ trial
They've lost it.

TRUMP: Congress Should ‘Call’ Obama to ‘Testify’ on ‘Biggest Scandal in US History’

House managers demand Trump testify in Senate impeachment trial

By Mark Moore, The NY Post, February 4, 2021 |

House ...

Biden Breaks the Middle Peace With UAE Again, Reverses Trump Decision to Remove Tariffs on Key Ally in Peace
Is the Biden Administration trying to destroy the Abraham Accords, which brought peace between Israel and four Arab countries? These deals are very young and fragile. They should not be tampered with as they are being cemented.

Biden Stiffs the ...

Biden pick for unemployment program lost $600 MILLION to Nigerian scammers
Can't make this up. Every cabinet pick is worse than the next. And more unqualified than the next. It's horrendous. Pray for America. No decent, honest American has a shot in this cesspool.

Biden pick for unemployment program lost $600M to ...

Joe ☭ Biden Seeks to Surge Foreign-Born Voting Population Ahead of Elections
That is because President Biden believes that new immigrants will overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party's attempts to pack the courts, make DC the 51st state, and changing the electorate to their benefit, could bring ...

Arizona Senate Drafts Resolution Threatening Arrests of Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for Not Handing Over Requested Election Machines and Ballots
Utter lawlessness…..they'd rather go to jail then have Americans know the truth.

Related: AZ Maricopa County board REFUSES to turn over election equipment for Arizona Senate FORENSIC audit

Maricopa County Votes to Perform FORENSIC AUDIT ...

Beijing ☭ Biden’s Defense Secretary Orders Military-Wide STAND-DOWN to Look Into ‘Extremism”
They sure act like they stole the election.

Using a fictional narrative of a non-existent, ludicrous 'insurrection' much like the Nazis used the Reichstag fire. The Reichstag Fire was a dramatic arson attack occurring on February 27, 1933, ...

Iran’s regime executes champion boxer after torture, third in 4 months
Iran is just the kind of country that should have nukes. And just the kind of country that should have ballistic missiles. And the JCPOA does not even place any restrictions on Iran's  financing of terrorism throughout the Middle East, or on ...

AZ Maricopa County board REFUSES to turn over election equipment for Arizona Senate FORENSIC audit
What are they hiding?

Maricopa County board refuses to turn over election equipment for Arizona Senate audit by Kaelan Deese, Washington Examiner  | February 03, 2021 Maricopa County refuses to turn over elections equipment and ballots from ...

More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs; Dropoff Highest in Right-Leaning Districts
Why did this happen? Because the Republican Party in Georgia alienate the Trump voters. The Republican governor of Georgia abandoned President Trump in his fight for election integrity. Then the Georgia GOP ran two terrible candidates in the senate ...

TRAITOR Liz Cheney survives leadership challenge over Trump impeachment vote
The GOP truly, madly, deeply sucks. Seriously.No spine, no conviction, no testicular fortitude.

Liz Cheney survives leadership challenge over Trump impeachment vote

By Seth McLaughlin and Alex Swoyer,  The Washington Times February 3, 2021 ...

Israel Blamed For High Rate of Diabetes Among Palestinians
The Israelis are blamed for all sorts of things. They have been accused of poisoning the wells of Palestinians, though no such evidence has ever been found. They are blamed for using “decadent” Western culture to weaken the moral fiber of fine ...

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