While COVID-19 has brought many aspects of our lives to a standstill, there has been no “working from home” for PETA’s field team. Most of the animals we assist have known nothing but quarantine conditions for their entire lives—as they are kept isolated and confined 24/7. However, the pandemic hasn’t stopped us from getting them the help they need.
Every year, humans kill fish by the billions. These complex, sensitive, and social animals are slowly suffocated, and many suffer from parasitic infections, diseases, or debilitating injuries. Whether they’re chopped up for someone’s dinner or shipped around the world by the “pet” industry, fish need your help to protect them from cruelty.
It’s a gift that gives back—send a toy, a bale of straw, or another appreciated gift to a lonely dog for Valentine’s Day!
What are you actually eating when you consume chicken wings? Here’s what the meat industry doesn’t want you to know.
If anyone understands that language is important, it should be Merriam-Webster. This is why harmful definitions of “pig,” “snake,” and “dog” must go.
Canada Goose is using the Sundance Film Festival to make its coats seem trendy, but no amount of movie magic can hide the violence behind its parkas, which are made with coyote’s fur and down from birds.
For these civil rights proponents, creating a just society includes justice for animals.
First, the good news: We’ve just obtained records showing that another dog, Karbach, has been freed from Texas A&M University’s cruel canine muscular dystrophy laboratory and adopted! Even so, the school continues to warehouse dogs—many of whom are completely healthy—in its barren metal cells.
Mice and rats are intelligent and clever. They feel pain, and they deserve protection just as much as dogs, rabbits, and other animals. Please tell the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to stop wasting millions of taxpayer dollars tormenting these vulnerable animals and to end its use of the forced swim, tail suspension, and “footshock” tests.
Positively acknowledged by Colin Kaepernick himself, PETA’s 2020 viral Super Bowl ad pays homage to all movements that remind us to open our hearts and minds and reject all forms of injustice, including sexism, ableism, racism, ageism, homophobia, and speciesism.