
Today, the House voted to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, including the House Education Committee.

It’s hard to find the words to express my gratitude to you and the rest of this community for standing with us during this time. More than 115,000 supporters spoke out against her statements fueling dangerous conspiracy theories like the claim that my beautiful butterfly Dylan and 25 others weren’t murdered at Sandy Hook, and there’s no doubt in my mind that it was the dedicated efforts of people like you that led to lawmakers taking action.

Our work is far from over to hold every member of Congress accountable to protect children from gun violence. There is still so much left to do to pressure Congress to finally pass meaningful gun safety reforms like universal background checks. And John, you will be key to making these reforms a reality.

I refuse to let another parent feel the all-consuming pain of having their child taken by gun violence, but this critical work depends on your support. That’s why we set a goal to raise $25,000 by midnight tonight to fund our all-out push on Congress to finally pass the legislation we know will save precious lives. So please, I’m asking you from the bottom of my heart: Can I count on you to donate now?

Please rush $10, or as much as you possibly can, to Sandy Hook Promise right now to help us put massive, immediate pressure on Congress to pass gun safety reforms like universal background checks that will prevent future tragedies.

This work – reliving the nightmare of my baby boy’s murder again and again – never gets easier, especially in the face of harassment fueled by people like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

But no matter how hard it gets, I’ll never stop working as hard as I can to make sure no parent ever has to know the pain of having a child taken by gun violence. Working to make sure Congress passes these lifesaving reforms is one crucial way we can do that.

Thank you for everything you do to make this work possible. It means the world.

With love,

Nicole Hockley (Dylan’s mom)

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