Congressman Jamie Raskin CRUSHED the top Republican argument for acquitting Trump.

So we put his brilliant argument in a TV ad, and Roll Call (read by members of Congress) just reported on it:

"Why impeach? Hoping to frame the response Democrats can give if asked why they’re holding an impeachment trial for a president who’s already left office, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee will be spending in the five figures to air an ad on cable news channels in the D.C. area featuring an explanation from House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin of Maryland."

Watch Jamie Raskin's homerun argument for convicting Trump. Chip in to air it on TV before next week's impeachment trial so every senator sees it!

Senate Republicans say it's "too late" to convict Trump.

But Congressman Jamie Raskin says letting Trump off the hook would "establish a precedent, where every president on the way out the door has two weeks or three weeks or four weeks to try to incite an armed insurrection against the union. And if it succeeds, he becomes a dictator. If it fails, he's not subject to impeachment or conviction because we just want to let bygones be bygones."

Can you watch our new TV ad and chip in right away to air this in the nation's capital on MSNBC, Fox, and CNN this weekend?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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