Thank you.

Thank you for trusting that I will be a champion for your values in Congress. Thank you for helping flip this district and put checks and balances on the Trump administration. And thank you for helping us build and maintain an incredible and exciting grassroots campaign.

Every time we hit one of our fundraising goals, we send our potential opponents a message: The people of Washington's 8th district want a representative who truly understands our community and will fight for our best interests in Congress.

John, that's why I need your help right now. Our end-of-quarter deadline, one of our biggest deadlines for this year, is on Monday. I need your help to make sure we hit the goal that will ensure I have the resources to win in 2020. Can I count on you?

Here's a link where you can chip in $3 or more. Any amount you can afford before our end-of-quarter deadline would be a huge help:[email protected]

I am so grateful for your trust and support, and I promise to continue to work for our shared values in Congress.

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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