News from Representative Allred

February 4, 2021

Dear Friend,

As your Congressman, I value frequent and open communication, so I am writing with a quick update on what I’ve been working on in Washington and here at home in North Texas. 

Saving the United State Postal Service
I recently joined Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate to re-introduce the USPS Fairness Act, legislation that gives the United States Postal Service financial relief and ensures the continuity of our essential mail service. The United States Postal Service (USPS) plays an integral role in our community. Millions of Americans, particularly seniors and veterans, rely on the United States Postal Service’s vital services, including delivery of Social Security checks and life-saving medications. 

Rep. Allred visits a local USPS sorting facility in 2020

The USPS Fairness Act removes an unnecessary mandate that requires the USPS to prefund 75 years worth of retiree health benefits for its employees. No other government agency is required to do this and the unfair mandate costs the USPS over $5 billion annually. In fact, this mandate is the only thing stopping the Postal Service from being profitable. I am proud to join with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to introduce this commonsense, bipartisan fix. The USPS Fairness Act will not only allow the USPS to turn a profit, it also provides a step towards improving the USPS’ services and expanding operations, all while ensuring our essential postal workers receive their benefits.

Protecting Disabled Veterans from COVID-19
As a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, I’m always looking for ways to improve the lives of our nation’s veterans. I recently reintroduced the Aid and Attendance Support Act to cover COVID-19 related expenses, including personal protective equipment (PPE) for veterans and their caregivers. My bill increases the VA’s monthly payments to our veterans who use caregivers by 25%, giving homebound disabled veterans and their caregivers a temporary boost in their monthly allowance to account for the increased costs of safety measures due to the ongoing pandemic. This bill has a companion in the Senate and I urge my colleagues to quickly pass it into law. 

Rep. Allred meets with members of Paralyzed Veterans of America in 2019

Help for Small Businesses
I recently held a virtual small business town hall for small business owners in Texas’ 32nd District. I was joined by local experts from the SBA. We gave an update on how the latest COVID-19 relief package affects government loans and answered questions from our virtual audience. If you missed it, you can watch the full recording here.

We’ve also compiled a small business resource guide for North Texas business owners. 

As always, we are here for you. If you need assistance with a federal agency, or have questions about my work in Congress, please give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949. It is an honor to serve the 32nd District of Texas, where I was born and raised.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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