The truth is...

I’m about to ask you to make your most consequential donation to my campaign yet by chipping in $5 to build my key $7,500 Matching Fund. If you are short on time, I understand -- but please chip in $5 before you log off >>

First, let me pull back the curtain:

I get a lot of questions about who our ‘match donors’ are and how it works.

The truth is, our matches are fueled by dedicated supporters -- like you!

We know that a match is the absolute best way to encourage grassroots donations.

So whenever I’m in a tough spot and scrambling to come up with cash to cover ads, voter outreach mail, or staff salaries, I tap into our vital Matching Fund to pull it off.

It’s filled with grassroots donations that we squirrel away for emergency moments.

Because these last-minute investments can be the difference between winning and losing close races like mine.

But right now my Matching Fund is down to $0. I need to fill it back up as quickly as possible to fuel my campaign, take back my seat, and save the House for Democrats. So I’m personally asking: Will you rush $5 now?

Chip in $5 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in $250 now >>
Chip in a custom amount >>

Thank you,


Paid for by TJ Cox for Congress

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