It's been great to see the new Democratic White House and Congress propose a bold COVID relief bill -- and stick with it despite Republican pressure. So far, so good.
President Joe Biden said ANOTHER big long-term economic recovery bill is around the corner, and now is the time to remind him and everybody: One more check won't be enough to truly Build Back Better.
With food, rent or mortgage, utilities, healthcare, and so many other expenses, people need checks until the economy recovers.
That’s why we’re joining partners to tell Congress to #MakeItMonthly.
Click here to tweet right now, and don’t forget to tag your senators.
Not on Twitter? Join the virtual rally on Friday afternoon.
Our partners have been delivering more than 2 million signatures to Congress today calling for monthly $2,000 checks. Let’s support them by making sure our Senators hear us.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)
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