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Building Official Qualifications Information
Building & Safety Standards Branch
Beginning February 28, 2021 building officials must meet regulatory qualification requirements to lawfully make decisions about conformance with provincial building regulations on behalf of local authorities.
The Building Act was passed in 2015 to modernize and improve the building regulatory system in British Columbia. In order to help increase the competency of building officials and support a more consistent application of the BC Building Code, the Building Act sets out a requirement that all individuals practicing as a building official must be qualified in order to make code compliance decisions on behalf of a local government.
Continue to check both the Provincial building codes and standards site at and the Building Officials’ Association of BC site at
2021 Canadian Cost Guide
Altus Group
The 2021 Canadian Cost Guide is here, and the findings of this report reflect the experience that CHBA BC is hearing amongst its local associations and industry members.
The construction industry showed its resilience and performed well in 2020 (all things considered), but even with the vaccination roll-out, we aren’t out of the woods yet. Construction sites being locked down or not at full capacity, the global supply chain being somewhat broken, and a recession, will undoubtedly have long-term impacts on construction costs throughout 2021 and beyond.
Having a current and accurate understanding of these costs will be imperative to help manage development risk and navigate through the uncertainty to protect your project returns.
Download the cost guide here.
Water Protection Act Webinar with CHBA BC and HAVAN
SAVE THE DATE: On Thursday, February 18th at 1pm, CHBA BC and HAVAN will be hosting a joint webinar on the Water Protection Act. This webinar will feature experts form member-company, WSP, who will walk members through what they need to know about this Act when going through the development and approval process. All interested members are encouraged to hold this date and time in their calendars, and keep an eye out for further details on registration in the coming week.
- 1st or 2nd mortgages
- Fully open terms
- Quick turn around on draws
Lumber shortage: CHBA's response as they continue to lobby the federal government
CHBA has also been lobbying at the Federal level to bring some urgency and action to the lumber issue at the highest levels where any kind of intervention must stem from. On January 11, 2021, CHBA produced and submitted: Economic Recovery In the Forestry Sector and its Intersection with Residential Construction - Submission to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources. This comprehensive document outlined the issues and focused on five issues that the Federal government can help out with:
- Continue to support the supply chain to maximize supply output and delivery
- Continue to seek resolution to trade disputes
- Work with domestic lumber producers to ramp up production
- Create a better market and support the forestry sector in building capacity ahead of building code changes for mass timber construction
- Help offset escalating construction costs for housing to sustain activity and affordability
The whole text of the document is available through the embedded link provided and all members should read through the submission as it provides a very comprehensive overview of the situation and its effects on our sector.

7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063