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 News of the Week

What NYC Mayoral Hopefuls Answered When Community Journalists Asked
Watch the Center for Community Media forum with four 2021 contenders.

Old Guard Has Strong Lead in Special Election for Queens District 24
Seven years after leaving the City Council after three terms, Jim Gennaro appears to be headed back to City Hall representing the 24th district after besting a field that featured fresh faces, Asian voices and more progressive views.

Advocates Call for Stronger Rental Assistance Programs to Stem Pandemic Evictions
A coalition of housing and homeless advocates, along with the city’s top real estate group, are calling for the city and state to expand and improve three key rental assistance programs to aid struggling households at risk for eviction — especially before the state’s eviction moratorium expires in May.

The Policy Shop: Sex Work, Social Housing and 15-Minute Neighborhoods
The comptroller has issued policy recommendations in dozens of areas of city life, from parks to pregnancy, and veterans to venture capital. How will that translate to a campaign—or a mayoralty?

Cops and Crime in the 2021 Campaign
New York City Candidates running for office this year must answer calls for fundamental reforms amid higher violence and a strapped city budget.

Who’s Getting Vaccinated So Far in New York City?


45 Stories, 45 Years: City Limits’ History of Covering NYC

As City Limits celebrates its 45th anniversary, a look back at stories published each year of our four-and-half decades covering New York.

The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.


Una Ciudad sin Límites

Ardua tarea para vacunar a los neoyorquinos de edad avanzada en la ciudad de Nueva York
Nueva York amplió en enero la posibilidad de vacunarse contra la COVID-19 a los residentes mayores de 65 años, pero conseguir una cita ha sido un proceso ‘extraordinariamente complicado’ para algunos.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: It’s Time for NYC to Put Trash in its Place—And Off Our Sidewalks
‘Major cities all throughout the world have a modernized and efficient approach to trash collection, and New York City is still lagging. We should make the most out of our public spaces and prioritize public health.’

Opinion: Want to Have a Say in City Schools? Join a Community Education Council
‘We need more parents to run so that each CEC’s economic diversity reflects that of the district. Without such diversity, whole swaths of a school district may be voiceless.’

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