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A Time for Celebration and Reflection
Over the next two weeks, Jewish communities across our region will come together in celebration of the Jewish new year, and will engage in a process of reflection and atonement during the High Holidays. To those celebrating, on behalf of the ADL Washington, D.C. Region, we would like to wish you and your families a happy, healthy and sweet new year.
This past year has brought with it tragedy and trauma. We witnessed the devastating attacks in Pittsburgh and Poway, Christchurch and El Paso, that shook so many to their core. Now more than ever, we have an obligation to ourselves and to our communities to continue to fight hate for good. We are grateful to each of you for your continued support, no matter where you are located in our region – we simply could not continue to grow this movement without you.
Together as we move into this new year, let us reflect and recommit to ADL’s timeless mission to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to securing justice and fair treatment to all.

Doron Ezickson
ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director | |
ADL Heads to Capitol Hill, Testifies on International White Supremacy and CyberhateLast week, ADL sent two of its most senior leaders to Capitol Hill to testify in front of Congress about the global threat of white supremacy and the proliferation of hate online.
At a hearing on Mass Violence, Extremism and Digital Responsibility, Senior Vice President of Programs George Selim said in his testimony
to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, "unfettered access to online platforms – both fringe and mainstream – has significantly driven the scale, speed and effectiveness of extremist attacks. Our research shows that domestic extremist violence is trending up, and that anti-Semitic hate is trending up. FBI data shows similar trends."
Senior Vice President of International Affairs Sharon Nazarian appeared during a hearing on Meeting the Challenge of White Nationalist Terrorism at Home and Abroad, convened by the House Committees on Foreign Affairs and on Homeland Security. She spoke about the internationalization and increasing interconnectedness
of white supremacist ideology around the world, which aims to dehumanize, threaten and eradicate whole communities. She called on congress to strengthen laws against perpetrators of online misconduct, as well as to closely examine whether it would be appropriate and effective to sanction certain white supremacist groups operating abroad if they meet the State Department's criteria for Foreign Terrorist Organizations. | |
White Supremacy is Being Internationalized and Weaponized Like Never Before, Says New ADL ReportA new report from ADL provides an in-depth analysis of the international spread of white supremacy. Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy shows how American white supremacists are attempting to export their message and activities and are finding a receptive audience among like-minded bigots overseas.
ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director Discusses Rise of Anti-Semitism on Newsy
Doron Ezickson, ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director, was featured last week in a Newsy report on the rise of anti-Semitism. Ezickson said "hate crimes are substantially underreported. These crimes have overwhelmingly occurred in either public areas or schools. Americans need to take their role in this discussion seriously, and that includes treating each others' opinions with respect."
25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate Tickets on Sale
For 25 years, ADL In Concert Against Hate has honored every day heroes in the battle against intolerance, injustice and extremism. These extraordinary people have performed acts of courage and compassion when confronted by the forces of hate. Their stories, narrated by renowned actors and performers, are interwoven with musical selections to create a powerful and unforgettable evening of inspiration and hope - one that affirms and celebrates the values that we all share.
Read More and Purchase Tickets | |
ADL Partners with Charlotte Jewish Federation For Words to ActionADL staff from the Washington, D.C. Regional office traveled to Charlotte, NC last weekend to implement a Words to Action training program in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. ADL’s Words to Action
program empowers members of the Jewish community to recognize and respond to anti-Semitic incidents in their everyday lives. ADL and the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte brought together a group of more than 50 teenagers and parents to develop practical skills for confronting anti-Semitism in their schools and communities. Participants were given strategies to respond and used scenarios and case studies to practice these strategies. ADL staff also spent time meeting with school and community leaders to discuss ADL’s resources and programs to address the rise in bias incidents that have been tracked throughout the region. | |
Women's March Votes Out Board Member Accused of Anti-SemitismThe Women’s March is a prominent progressive organization, and it recently announced a more inclusive and representative board of directors. Unfortunately, this includes an individual – Zahra Billoo – a community leader with a long history of deeply offensive and anti-Semitic statements.
Billoo repeatedly and unapologetically has said that she views Zionism – the belief in Jewish nationhood – as racism. She has equated Israel to that of an apartheid regime, and clearly rejects the very idea of a Jewish state, calling for a Palestine “from the river to the sea.”
ADL welcomed the decision by the Women's March to remove Zahra Billoo from its board, shortly thereafter, further stating that Billoo's hateful views have no place in any organization, much less one with an admirable and inclusive mission such as the Women's March.
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In Celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, ADL Education Spotlights Latinx Literature for ChildrenNational Hispanic Heritage Month, which kicked off September 15 and ends October 15, pays tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have enriched our nation and society. It provides an excellent opportunity to focus on Latinx literature and help young people explore identity, names, culture, immigration, discrimination and important figures in Latinx history.
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Register for Never Is Now!Never Is Now is ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, taking place on November 21 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. ADL’s signature annual event is a one day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism.
Learn More and Register Here | |