
This isn't about politics. Today when the House voted to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee appointments, they're doing what's right for our country.

A right-wing conspiracy theorist like Marjorie Taylor Greene must be condemned for the good of our country. We can't let her lies and hatred become "normal" in any way shape or form.

Will you join me and House Democrats in calling for Marjorie Taylor Greene's removal?

Look, Republicans and Democrats can disagree about the best policies to move our country forward, but we have to come together to condemn radicals like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Think I'm exaggerating? In addition to regularly espousing QAnon dogma, she called on the execution of Nancy Pelosi. She's even pushed the deeply troubling idea that school shootings like the one at Parkland and Sandy Hook were staged!

It's disgusting and she can't be allowed to sit on a committee that makes decisions about keeping our children safe.

Please, add your name and join me in condemning Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Thanks for your help,


Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator





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