Despite the government making a declaration, they have done little to put their money where their mouth is. Investing in airport expansions and road building which only exacerbates the issues we face.


Last week, we shared the work Greens are doing to take action on our climate emergency declarations. Despite the government making a declaration, they have done little to put their money where their mouth is. Investing in airport expansions and road building only exacerbates the issues we face.

As Greens, we amplify and implement solutions that both people and planet need. With bumper elections awaiting us this year, and a government trying to limit our democratic rights, your support is invaluable. Together we can make systems change happen. Can you help us get there?

— Jonathan Bartley, co-leader

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Green Party of England and Wales
Date: Fri, January 29, 2020
Subject: 2021: climate action



This is a big year for climate action. With COP26 and the G7 Summit on the horizon, it is time to push for real, urgent action on the climate. No more empty promises or stand alone proposals - you can't embrace climate action and then put billions into road building.


Will you stand up with us for what matters? Just like Greens in York have done, pushing the council to consider Universal Basic Income. Or Greens in Bristol, delivering housing retrofitting schemes, making homes warmer and safer, while moving towards carbon neutrality.


We must make it clear that:

💚There is no environmental justice without racial justice

💚We need a Green New Deal now

💚Carbon neutrality within 2030 is non-negotiable

💚Our economy must work for people, not people working for the economy

💚We must cooperate across party political lines

Tangible plans and meaningful action are necessary across every single sector including housing, transport and agriculture to build a green and fair world after the pandemic. The voice of the Green Party has never been more important to make sure that this year delivers real change for the climate. We need as many people as possible on board to ensure we are heard. Can you become a friend to the party?

In hope,

Green Team