"The prime minister of Israel has ushered into the Knesset a supporter of terror..."
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid, commenting on the agreement, induced by Benjamin Netanyahu, to unite two far right parties, including one that embraces the views of the racist Rabbi Meir Kahane.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Israel-US-Iran (February 4, 2021)
Q. Last week, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi warned publicly of the danger of a new US-Iran nuclear deal and stated that Israel must have its own military option ready for preventing an Iran military nuclear breakout... Is this indeed Israel’s policy?
A. ...Kochavi is Israel’s chief soldier. So one way or another, both Tehran and Washington took notice. So did Tel Aviv and Jerusalem...
Q. Let’s break this down. What did Kochavi say that was so controversial?
A. “Iran is a global problem. No one has any doubts that Iran has military nuclear ambitions and plans to use that weapon. Returning to the Iran nuclear deal, or even a similar agreement with a number of improvements, is a bad and wrong thing to do. . . . The IDF is reviewing and updating operational plans to curtail the Iranian nuclear program. . . . I have instructed the IDF to draw up a number of operational plans in addition to the existing plans.”
Q. Are joint US-Israel strategy sessions on Iran being held at this early stage in the formation of the Biden administration’s Middle East strategic team? Is there as yet even a clearly enunciated US policy on the Iran nuclear issue?
A. It appears to be too early. In other words, Kochavi’s statements could not even have been based on knowledge of a firm and known Biden administration policy.
Q. Leaving Kochavi’s remarks aside, what is Israel doing about the Iran issue at this stage?
A. The IDF continues to successfully prosecute its grey zone ‘Campaign between Wars’ (Hebrew acronym: Mabam) against Iran and its allies and proxies in Syria and to a limited extent in Iraq and Lebanon as well.
Q. Bottom line?
A. Iran and its proxies in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen and Iraq constitute the only real current strategic threat to Israel. Yes, there are issues with Turkey and the Palestinian Authority, but they are minor by comparison.


Join Peace Now Activists, Together with East Jerusalem Palestinians, on Saturday via Facebook for a Demonstration Against the Dispossession in Silwan (in English)
More than 90 Palestinian families in Jerusalem are in immediate danger of being kicked out of their homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan by the settler organization Ateret Cohanim.
To protest against this campaign of dispossession, Peace Now is organizing a demonstration this Saturday in Silwan. Following the demonstration, activists will march with Palestinian residents of Silwan to join the weekly anti-Netanyahu rally in West Jerusalem, opposite the Prime Minister’s residence. The events will be live-streamed on Facebook.
Click here to virtually join the protest at 11:00 AM (EST) on Saturday, February 6th.

Monday, February 8, 1:00 pm (Eastern)
Webinar: Israeli Elections Round 4, with Dahlia Scheindlin
How is this election round different from others? What is it about? Are there new players on the scene? Who are they and do they have a chance of denying Prime Minister Netanyahu another term in office? How is the traditional left faring? What about the Arab vote and the prospects for a shared Jewish Arab party?
Political analyst and pollster Dahlia Scheindlin will discuss these and other questions on this APN webinar, another in our series on Israel’s March 23rd elections.

PeaceCast Episode #169: Palestinian Politics with Zaha Hassan
 A recording of a webinar on the current state of Palestinian politics with three rounds of elections on the horizon. Our guest was Zaha Hassan, a visiting fellow, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace here in Washington, and an expert on Palestinian politics. She is a human rights lawyer, and in the past was the coordinator and senior legal advisor to the Palestinian negotiating team during the PLO’s bid for United Nations membership. She was also a member of the Palestinian delegation to Quartet-sponsored exploratory talks between 2011 and 2012.

APN Disappointed at Biden Administration's Support for IHRA
Americans for Peace Now (APN) is disappointed at the Biden administration's support of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, as expressed yesterday by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kara McDonald.

Spread the Word: APN is Hiring!
APN is looking to hire a Strategic Communications and Development Manager. If you, or someone you know, is interested in this position, we ask that you please send a cover letter, your resume, and a short writing sample to: [email protected].
Because of supporters like you, APN can continue pushing for a negotiated peace agreement beteween Israel and the Palestinians.
To help us cover our financial obligations, including support of colleagues at Israel's Peace Now movement, please consider making a donation now. Thank you.