Dear John,
Take action to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion and save Southern Resident Orcas.
The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project could push Southern Resident Orcas closer to extinction. Take action now.
If expanded, the Trans Mountain pipeline will ship almost a million barrels of tar sands oil per year across Canada, through the Salish Sea, and into the United States. Spills and tanker traffic could push the remaining Southern Resident Killer Whale populations past the point of no return.
We need your help to provide British Columbia with enough critical comments to stop this dirty pipeline project.
Demand the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project be stopped.
The remaining 74 Southern Resident Orcas in the entire world depend on the waterways that the Trans Mountain Pipeline tankers would threaten.
These orcas have already lost 60-90% of their ability to use echolocation for hunting and communicating due to noise from shipping traffic. Added tar sands tankers from the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion will only further threaten their dwindling population.
We cannot risk their extinction for Big Oil profits.
John, we need activists like you to raise your voice and protect Southern Resident Orcas from this disastrous pipeline. The Keystone XL and Atlantic Coast Pipeline were both stopped thanks to pressure from people like you, now we need to continue the momentum to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion.
Demand the 74 remaining Southern Resident Orcas be protected over Big Oil profits.
Tar sands oil is the dirtiest oil and one of the highest carbon sources of oil on the planet. It is also heavy and virtually impossible to clean up. The Trans Mountain Pipeline is a ticking carbon bomb.
We are less than 10 years away from climate catastrophe. The Trans Mountain pipeline threatens our communities, our wildlife, and our climate.
This is the turning point for our climate. We have the opportunity to stop one of the most destructive fossil fuel projects of all. And we need your help to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project.
Help British Columbia work to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project and protect Southern Resident Orcas.
Marcie Keever,
Oceans & vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth U.S.