It is painfully clear this is what the next two years will look like if we do not quickly eliminate the filibuster.

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Friends -

We have work to do. To provide direct cash assistance to Americans. To extend unemployment insurance. To make sure we are vaccinating communities equitably. And it’ll be up to the Senate to get this work done as quickly as possible.

Republicans and Mitch McConnell have made clear they will use every possible tool available to them to obstruct our progressive agenda.

It is painfully clear what the next two years will look like if we do not quickly eliminate the filibuster, so we need to turn up the pressure on my Democratic colleagues to act now.

Add your name to demand Senate Democrats end the filibuster so we can enact the popular agenda that we ran on that will meaningfully improve people’s lives. The filibuster is a Jim Crow relic that blocks justice and equity.


We got elected to pass legislation and make real change in this country. If a global pandemic and the existential threat of climate change are not enough to change the rules, then it likely will never get done.

We will see Congress after Congress introduce bill after bill with no intention of ever passing them.

The filibuster preserves the broken status quo in this country that allows the wealthy and corporations to profit, even during extraordinary crises, while the poor and working-class get squeezed more and more.

The filibuster gives special interests, lobbyists, and Republicans a veto over a popular agenda that the majority of Congress and the country wants to pass.

Mitch McConnell and his cronies will use it to block any action on climate change, gun safety, voting rights, and more. If we are going to deliver for the American people, we have to abolish the filibuster.

Please add your voice to mine to tell my Democratic colleagues to end the filibuster. Mitch McConnell cannot be allowed to rule tyrannically from the minority.


The people voted to elect a Democratic trifecta so that we could govern. Now we must deliver on our promises of progress, justice, and equity.

- Ed Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112

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