Welcome to Thursday, February 4th, stickies and slicks...

President Biden signed three major executive orders aimed at dismantling Trump's restrictive immigration practices.

This includes creating a task-force to reunite families that had been separated at the U.S.-Mexican border.

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Another order calls for a review of the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" policy, which required asylum-seekers to remain in northern Mexico as they await court hearings for U.S. protection.

“I’m not making new law. I’m eliminating bad policy,” Biden said while signing the orders. "This is about how America's safer, stronger, more prosperous when we have a fair, orderly, and humane legal immigration system."

Read the pro and con arguments here, then tell your reps:

Do you support reversing Trump's immigration policies?

Do You Support a $15 Minimum Wage?

President Biden hopes to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour from the $7.25 it's been at since 2009.

The president included a measure in his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and Democrats recently reintroduced the Raise the Wage Act, which would increase the federal minimum wage from its current rate to $15 per hour by 2025.

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In a 2019 study, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 could cost 1.3 million Americans their jobs.

The CBO study also found that such a raise could boost the pay of about 27 million workers and lift 1.3 million Americans out of poverty.

Do you support or oppose a $15 minimum wage?

And, in the End…

Light a candelabra for Liberace Day.

The oft-sequined Władziu Valentino Liberace - who died on this date in 1987 after a battle with HIV - was known as Mr. Showmanship.

At the height of his fame, Liberace was the highest-paid entertainer in the world.

Toke up or make some rope in his honor—it's also National Hemp Day,

—Josh Herman

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