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The family hosting the event at the state-aided Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School, which was attended by around 150 people, has already received a £10,000 fine.
A rabbi accused of advising strictly-Orthodox Jews how to bypass Covid-19 laws has been put in charge of "Covid coordination" by the community's main umbrella group.
A £3,100-a-year Islamic faith school in Stratford has failed to meet Ofsted's standards for independent schools, having previously been rated inadequate.
The victim of a priest sentenced to serve more than a decade in jail for child sexual abuse has attacked the Archdiocese of Birmingham for trying to dissuade him from reporting the assaults to police.
Report says Elijah Ode attracted the wrath of the extremists when two of his customers were tortured for designs claimed to be blasphemous to the Islamic religion.
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