We'll keep this quick, John.

We launched our Sedition Caucus fund just 10 days ago and have already blown past our first fundraising goal of $10,000 after 242 people stepped up to make a contribution.

Now, we’re within reach of our next big benchmark—a $15,000 fundraising goal.

Will you rush a contribution to our Sedition Caucus fund and help us get to our $15,000 goal?

Every day, it seems, the Republican Party is ceding ground to the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world. It’s dangerous and scary to watch unfold.

The majority of Republicans in Congress have failed to step up and condemn the extremist members of the Sedition Caucus. Instead of just hoping every day that Republicans will finally do the right thing, we’re already working around the clock to make sure we can beat them at the ballot box in 2022.

Thank you for standing with us,

Serve America