Urgent: Zephyr the senior goat needs medical treatment — please help!

Friend, ever had something stuck in your eye?


An eyelash or dust particle? Hurts a lot, right?


Now, multiply that agony by 1000… and meet Zephyr the goat:


See, we just established Zephyr’s Fund to help fund his critical medical care. Please follow this secure link to chip in!


At 14, Zephyr is the oldest goat at Full Circle Farm Sanctuary. He’s actually the last remaining survivor from the first rescue we ever conducted (that’s Zephyr in our logo!!)!


Goats abused by Big Ag for meat and dairy never get as old as Zephyr is. You know what happens to them.


Thanks to you, Full Circle is committed to providing the lifetime care, treats, friends, and warm home Zephyr deserves.


But specialized eye care for a goat his age is outrageously expensive. And we can only pay for as much veterinary care as we can afford.


Now, Zephyr’s case is particularly urgent. Just recently, his right eye became severely inflamed.


Zephyr’s eyelid is now twisted outside-in, such that his eyelashes scrape his eyeball 24/7. This causes constant pain, impaired vision, and even depression.


On top of his chronic eye disease, Zephyr also suffers from anemia. And painful arthritis, too.


In the next couple weeks, Zephyr is going to need a number of veterinary treatments to address his critical health issues.


Your generous gift  to Zephyr’s Fund today can help pay for:

  • Surgery to end chronic ulcers on Zephyr’s right eye
  • Arthritis medication
  • Regular blood checks for his anemia
  • Special food and medicine his old teeth and stomach can handle
  • Regular attention from our staff and veterinarians
  • Plus, extra blankets and hay to get him through the cold of winter

If we don’t cover Zephyr’s Fund before the deadline, his quality of life is going to decline. His vision will get much worse. And so will his debilitating arthritis.  


That’s why Zephyr’s Fund is so urgent.


As one of our original survivors, I guess you can understand why Zephyr means a lot to us. We’re doing our best to keep him alive and healthy for another year.


But we need your help to do it. Zephyr needs your most generous gift. And he needs it now.


So friend, will you chip in for Zephyr’s Fund before his bills are due?

I’m very thankful to you for caring about Zephyr and all our animals.




Courtney Perez

Interim Executive Director

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary


P.S.    Everyone loves cute baby animals. But we think there’s something pretty special about older animals like Zephyr. Don’t you agree? And right now, Zephyr needs critical veterinary care for his ulcer riddled eyes. Won’t you please help?

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
961 White House Parkway, Warm Springs, GA 31830
EIN: 36-4735749