Recently, the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania released its annual report ranking the efforts of think tanks in the United States and across the globe. TTCSP offers a definitive and objective analysis of think tanks’ work and impact.
The new report makes one conclusion emphatically clear: CAP’s effectiveness on the national and international level is well recognized. In each major category, our ranking has either stayed on par with our 2019 ranking or improved. We rank in the top 5 think tanks in the United States and 11th globally. When it comes to our work on specific policy issues, we rank in the top 10 for education, domestic economic policy and domestic health policy. In fact, CAP ranks as the number one social policy think tank out of all think tanks considered in the entire report.
In particular, when it comes to public engagement, CAP’s effectiveness is unparalleled. Worldwide, we rank in the top 3 think tanks for use of the internet, use of social media, and for our advocacy campaigning. These tactical strengths are a testament to CAP’s ability to influence policy, which is why TTCSP ranked CAP 14th out of 73 in terms of impact on public policy, a marked improvement from 2019.
In the growing marketplace of ideas — the report outlines that, in the U.S., there are now over 2,200 think tanks — CAP’s position in the rankings is a testament to our continued excellence and growing effectiveness across all aspects of our work. At the same time, we cannot rest on our laurels.
While we are proud of this public recognition, our goal remains to develop and shape progressive policies that improve the lives all Americans. At a time of great challenges, your support allows us to continue to pursue that goal vigorously. We would not be able to achieve these exceptional results without your generous investment, and for that we are especially grateful.
John Podesta

Founder and Chairman of the Board, CAP
