
This time last year, we had no idea how bad the COVID-19 pandemic would become. We didn’t foresee lockdowns, mask mandates, or social distancing taking up the rest of our year. Since then, our world has been turned upside down.

The previous administration completely failed us in response to this pandemic. Rather than provide economic support, advice backed by science, and a comprehensive vaccine distribution plan, Trump left us with inadequate, sometimes non-existent, plans that cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

I know how tough this year has been. Not being able to see our loved ones during the holidays, folks wondering how they’ll put food on the table after losing their jobs, parents struggling to get back to work while balancing remote learning for their kids.

It’s overwhelming. The American people deserve a government that will fight to stop the spread of this virus, provide much-needed relief, and act as a guiding force to get us through the worst.

It’s time Congress — on both sides of the aisle — comes together to pass real, meaningful legislation to help our communities get through this pandemic. So, I’m turning to you:

Demand Congress put partisan politics aside and pass more COVID-19 relief. Our families cannot wait for the support they desperately need.


As COVID-19 cases continue to rise and we discover new strains of the virus, the American people deserve leaders ready to tackle this crisis head-on.

Thank you and stay safe,
