As Russia fights for its political future, journalists and writers are among the last guardians of free speech and free expression. Each and every day, PEN America works in partnership with friends and allies around the globe to ensure those voices are heard, that dissent isn't silenced, that a free and fair press is upheld as a universal and common value.
I support PEN America as a Trustee because we are a group of writers and free speech advocates who've fought to defend the freedom to write in the U.S. these past four dark years—but never forgetting that our freedoms here rely on defending those basic rights worldwide.
Please give. And if you've already given recently, thank you for your generosity.
In solidarity,

Masha Gessen
Vice President, PEN America
PS — Reports show at least 180 rights violations against journalists in Russia over the past two weekends. Your support helps us elevate their cases.