Call these sellouts then alert others by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) .. (LINKED HERE) .. (MINDS HERE) .. (SLUG HERE) .. (BRIGHTEON HERE) .. (MEWE HERE) .. (CLOUTHUB HERE)
6 Senators of Shame! The Romney Six.
The known globalist, sellout, RINO, Amnesty supporter Mitt Romney just joined five other Republicans in the US Senate (Read Details Here) to confirm a pro-illegal immigration cheap labor lobbyist as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday. You need to take action now to rebuke all 5 and lead others to do the same rapidly.
By confirming Alejandro Mayorkas to run DHS, these six GOP Senators betrayed the 43 Republicans who voted no, betrayed the Republican Party and GOP platform, and spat on every person in America who voted for Republicans to oppose the Democrats as an 'opposition party'.
This is the exact kind of pattern Biden and Harris need in the Senate to get 10 GOP Senators to join with the Democrats to pass Cloture (filibuster threshold) on an immigration reform Amnesty bill with 60 votes which will replace tens of millions of you at the ballot box in future elections.
Please lead the angry yet peaceful political backlash against the "Romney Six"
Call and write their offices and social media pages to express your outrage these 6 Republicans joined the Democrats to install someone like Alejandro Mayorkas, who clearly should not be running DHS!
"I'm calling/writing Senator ________ to express my dismay and outrage that he/she voted with the Democrats to install an open-borders, Amnesty, and cheap labor supporter like Alejandro Mayorkas to run DHS. Republican voters elected you to be an opposition party to the Democrats, not one of them. You betrayed your fellow Republican Senators and all Americans who voted for candidates like you. How dare you support Amnesty and increased foreign labor at a time Americans need every job and taxpayer resource."
GOP Senators Who Joined the Democrats
Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Shelley Capito (R-WV)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
Office numbers and contact info at..
Search Twitter and Facebook for their pages. Here are their Twitter handles..
Let's roll ALIPACers!