"Sugaring" is not harmless fun between consenting adults.
The Dangers of Sugar Dating, Explained ([link removed])
A former intern for NCOSE explains what "sugaring" is and tells her story of encountering and taking on its problematic messaging firsthand on her college campus at Tulane University.
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Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: FOSTA is challenged in court, Rambo misses on trafficking, and more
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CNN interviews NoFap founder: "This can happen to anyone." ([link removed])
In an interview with CNN's "This Is Life with Lisa Ling," tech entrepreneur Alexander Rhodes opened up about how he became addicted to online porn by the time he was age 12, and how it changed the way he perceived sex and relationships well into adulthood.
Rhodes, knowing he wasn't alone, began a porn recovery site called NoFap to try to help others free themselves from compulsive porn use; he isn't a therapist, but in the process he has cultivated a community.
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Opponents of the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) Give Arguments to D.C. Circuit ([link removed])
FOSTA was, and is, a major victory in fighting online sex trafficking. It allows survivors, who previously had no legal recourse against websites that are actively facilitate trafficking, to bring lawsuits and hold online actors accountable for their role promoting exploitation; and it does so in a way that complies with the requirements of the Constitution.
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New ([link removed]) Rambo ([link removed]) movie misses in attempt to depict trafficking ([link removed])
Beyond its depiction of violent vigilantiism as a solution for fighting sex trafficking, the new Rambo movie plays into old stereotypes about human trafficking that don't accurately represent the most common victims of the crime and which overemphasize kidnapping and physical force when, in reality, many trafficked individuals are held by psychological coercion.
Even when Hollywood is seeking to entertain, these types of portrayals can lead audiences to put pressure on legislators to implement the wrong types of action that don't actually help those most vulnerable.
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NCOSE Project Spotlight:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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