
Since Inauguration Day, President Joe Biden has wasted no time in signing executive orders that are exposing the true, chilling nature of his agenda.

Among his first orders: taxpayer-funded abortion and promotion of radical transgender ideology.

But those are only the beginning. In the days ahead, the Biden Agenda will further attack religious liberty, the lives of the preborn, the sanctity of the family, and the purity of our children’s minds.

Help us FIGHT BACK against the Biden Agenda>>>

But even as they’re celebrating their stranglehold on Washington, the Left is actively sowing the seeds of its own downfall.

You see, because Leftist orthodoxy isn’t grounded in Biblical truth, it has no boundaries. No restraints to keep it from hurtling past the edge of common sense.

When it does, freedom-loving and faithful Americans see that truth, rise up and take action.

And it will start with you and I right here in Texas.

Your faithful support has helped us stand firm before––and I hope you’ll stand again with another generous gift today.

The just-started Texas Legislative Session must draw that line in the sand, showing that the Biden Agenda can be beaten.

We need your help today to show D.C. that Texas can defend the rights of the preborn from their first heartbeat. And champion religious liberty through new church protection laws.

Never again will a government think it has the authority to order a church to shutdown.

We’re also pushing back against the transgender agenda––including efforts to protect girls by ensuring “fair play” in sports, and a ban on gender modification of children.

Despite many COVID restrictions at the Texas Capitol, Texas Values Action isn’t staying home. In fact, our team will be on the Texas Capitol grounds every day it’s open.

The work we’re doing––the work your gifts support––is the tip of the spear in America’s growing resistance to the Biden Agenda, Socialism and the Cancel Culture.

Remember: God was not surprised by the election results. He is still on His throne. We still have a central role to play -- and Texas is the stage on which we’ll play it.

God Bless Texas, 

Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

P.S. The Left has seized so much power that it will soon overplay its hand. We’re ready and equipped to take that stand, but we need your support. Will you give boldly and generously? Please let me hear from you today.

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. All donations to Texas Values Action are not tax-deductible and will be used at the sole discretion of Texas Values Action. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.

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