Date: 27th September 2019
Contact: Bernadette Smyth
on 028 9027 8484 / 07956451655
Advertising Standards Authority upholds Precious Life Billboard
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld Precious Life's pro-life Billboard that promoted, last month, the March for Their Lives that took place on September 7th. The ASA have informed Precious Life that they recently received a complaint about this Billboard.
The complainant, who understood the ad was for a pro-life group, challenged whether the ad was misleading as they believed it implied the babies featured in the ad and who were alive were at risk of being killed. The complainant, who understood consumers who may have had an abortion would view the ad as it was prominently placed in Belfast, also challenged whether the ad was distressing and inappropriately placed.
Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life commented on this recent disclosure, “This complaint is a clear example of the blatant intolerance which the pro-life viewpoint and those who express it have to endure from an increasingly intolerant and unreasonable abortion lobby. Abortion supporters seem to be relentless in their quest to stifle and silence the pro-life viewpoint and will stop at nothing to limit freedom of speech and of expression."
Mrs Smyth said that "This intolerance from pro-abortion people was further evidenced by the appalling attack on our Billboards, funded through the generosity of our supporters, which were covered in blue paint and vandalised with appalling graffiti. Precious Life are pleased that the Advertising Standards Authority has acknowledged Precious Life's ad as an example of direct, honest and ethical advertising."
Mrs Smyth concluded: "It was suggested that referring to 'unborn babies' could be emotive to members of the public. There is nothing controversial about this phrase. It is a scientific fact that when we are discussing abortion we are talking about preborn human beings. Westminster's horrific law would legalise abortion up to 7 months for any reason and in certain circumstances, up to BIRTH. That is what there should be complaints and uproar about. Killing alive and kicking babies in the womb."
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