Together we can make 2021 a year full of progress and wins for our community. Will you contribute today to ensure a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ youth everywhere?

Dear John,

Decades of collective organizing, research, and advocacy led us to this moment. We are finally beginning to see LGBTQ+ representation and support in our government. After only two weeks in office, the Biden-Harris administration brought us:

  • Two executive orders — advocated for by our GLSEN team! — the first implementing the Bostock Supreme Court decision to prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and a second on a federal racial equity initiative that includes LGBTQ+ communities, establishing a data equity working group, agency equity assessments and plans, community engagement, and other priorities
  • The nomination of Rachel Levine, our country’s first openly trans federal official to serve in the Senate, for assistant health secretary
  • The appointment of Suzanne Goldberg, an LGBTQ+ civil rights hero, as the assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights

Such steps represent a seismic change at the federal level, ensuring that the voices of all students and educators will finally be heard. Give now, and imagine all that we will be able to accomplish this year if we have your support.

Together, we have the capacity to enact change.

With gratitude and solidarity,
The GLSEN Team

110 William Street
30th Floor
New York, NY 10038
United States
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
